What happens if someone asks you to change the project or team or home or anything you are comfortable with?
Will you be happy to do it immediately or will you be hesitant for change?
Generally, human behaviour always resists change.
But change is something which is inevitable in life.
In this blog, let’s see about managing change in a workplace.
Change – Definition
Meaning of change in workplace
A change is the project, initiative or solution being introduced in the organization to improve the way work gets done, solve a problem, or take advantage of an opportunity.
When a change is introduced in an organization it impacts four aspects namely:
- Processes
- Systems
- Organization structure
- Job roles
Changing nature of Organization, Work and Workplace
In earlier days, the employees were used to a certain fixed type of procedure whether it is rule or any regulation, work structure, work type, etc.
For them life was easier with this routine procedure.
In today’s world the structure, content, and process of work is changed. They have become:
- More complexive
- Based on teamwork
- Depends on social skills and technology updation
- No more based on geography
Organizations today are:
- More agile
- Competitive
- Based on value from the customers
- Depends on frequent competitive strategies
- Likely to provide job security and a long-time career
So, it’s time for the employees to pull up their socks as pouring wine into the same bottle is in no way going to help them to retain their position in the workplace.
Key factors for change in nature of work
The two key factors which contribute to the changing patterns of work are:
- The organizations to be more of “lean enterprise”
- Growth of Communication and information technology, especially mobile technologies and the Internet that enable work to be separated from time and space.
What is Lean Enterprise?
The Lean Enterprise model was introduced to the world by Toyota in the 1970s.
Since then, it has created enormous changes in organizations across the globe, particularly—but not exclusively—in manufacturing and product development.
Lean enterprise is a business term describing the practice of reducing or eliminating inefficiencies in the production process.
The key principles of Lean Enterprise (or “lean thinking”) are:
- Define value from the customer’s perspective.
- Identify internal activities and processes that add value for the customer and identify linkages between them (the “value chain”).
- Eliminate non-value-added activities (or “waste”) across the organization.
- Reduce waste and inefficiencies in support (e.g., overhead) functions.
The changes for the individuals and group employees depends on their:
- Cognitive skills
- Social skills
- Psychological skill
- Change in workplace
What are the common reactions to change?
1. Resistance
Resistance is the hesitation to try a new thing.
It is the most common reaction that comes when a change is introduced.
People are always after comfort and security. So, it’s difficult for them to come out of it.
But if the change is not adapted at the right time, then the people are at the suffering ends.
2. Fear
The major root cause of fear is the resistance to adapt to it. There will be ‘n’ number of questions in their mind like,
What if the change is not positive?
How will I be able to handle it?
What about the new work?
What about my position in the company?
The employee must put his fear aside and try to accept the fact with an open mind which will help them to accept the change and also overcome the fear factor.
3. Anger
Anger is the outcome of fear.
When an employee is unable to accept the change then he gets angry on even small things at the workplace.
Due to his anger, he is unable to think and analyse about how the change will have an impact.
So, it’s better for the employee to think and then react to the change rather than getting angry towards it.
4. Adaption
This is a positive reaction towards a new change.
An employee can benefit more if he can adapt to changes faster rather than restricting himself from it.
5. Anticipate
Always anticipate the change.
Anticipation about change helps to reduce the disappointment towards work.
It helps you to prepare yourself to start with the new change.
6. Perception
The way how things are perceived makes a difference at the workplace.
Whenever a change is introduced it’s better to think about its gain rather than thinking what we are going to lose?
Steps involved in managing change in workplace
The basic four steps to be noted while introducing change in the workplace are as follow:
- Build sense of urgency
- Build a better tomorrow
- People are the key and involve them at right level
- Have clear actions and expectations
1. Build a Sense of Urgency
At the first step, when you introduce a new change it’s obvious that the employees will protest for it as in no way they will be ready to change their routine work which they are comfortable with.
The only way is to build a sense of urgency by explaining to them how it is important for the organization to introduce that change in the workplace.
It’s better always to interrelate the change to their work position too as it drives them as a factor to accept it.
2. Create a better tomorrow
Briefly explain to your employees the advantages they are going to enjoy by the new change.
The management must be very careful while explaining by putting it in simple words about how the new system will work, and how it will be a contributing factor for their growth and development.
Motivate them in such a way they are ready to perform well.
3. People are key and Involve them at right level
Once people are convinced about the change make sure you pick the right people for the right work as employees are the key factors for the organization.
Involve them in the strategic areas while planning and decision making to make them feel they are important.
This is because employees are bound by emotions so it’s necessary to take care of them in the right way.
Prepare a plan in such a way which helps to assign areas for each of them at the right place.
4. Have clear actions and expectation
When everything is in place, have a clear action plan on how things are to be processed.
The expectations must be measured based on the outcome and actions.
Reward them related to their outcome and thus the change can be easily managed at the workplace.

Case Study
ABC Company wants to develop their company as per standards in market; hence they go for a change in the working system of the company by making it fully automated as it saves them time from the manual work and resources involved are less.
The problem is that 50% of employees in the company are above 50 years who are not ready for the new change as they find it difficult to change their routine system.
What must the company do to retain the employees and continue with its change?
First, the company must explain to the employees about the need to change the system, and how they lag in the competition.
The awareness for the need of the day must be informed to them.
Second, assure them by motivating that the new system will be taught in the company itself and that will really help them to go places in the future.
Make sure they are convinced to take the risk of changing the work system.
Third, assign the people as per their experience, adaptability, and attitude towards new change as this will help them to handle better rather than seniority alone.
Last, expect normal outcomes and actions as the system is new, we cannot expect higher levels of growth in a short span.
Reward the employees as per their effort and outcome as it helps them to even work harder.
Changes are always made for the betterment of both the organization and the employee.
The organization must make sure that they frame a plan which combines their goals along with the employee goals.
The employees always have an insecure feeling towards the change.
So, it’s the duty of management to make sure the employee is convinced with the change, and they are prepared to go along with it. This way the goals and objectives can be achieved with ease.
Hope you enjoyed reading this blog. We can see about a few change management models used by the organizations in the next blog.
See you soon!!! Take care